Angela Tian Zhu
The law of nature is: “Sow and grow in spring, grow in summer, harvest in autumn, store and hibernate in winter
Growing energy is part of human vital energy. It helps people to grow, metabolise and recover.
Springtime is the season to strengthen the growing energy.
- Get up with the sun. The Rising Energy in nature helps our growing energy.
- Avoid wind and keep warm. Spring wind blows away the cold winter energy and the weather changes very often and dramatically. So, avoid wind and keep warm to help the growing energy and prevent disease.
- Eat more green vegetables and less red meat, spicy food and alcohol.
- Drink a lot of water (preferably warm)
- Exercise
- Try to stay calm to reduce anxiety and depression.
- Avoid extreme emotions.
- Comb your hair often – the action promotes head micro circulation.
- Bathe your feet in warm water – this promotes lower body micro circulation.
- Breathe deeply, especially when you are emotionally unsettled to help your mental health.
- Try to move your bowels daily.
- Drink Green tea, Mint tea or Chrysanthemum tea
- Eat kiwi fruits – to encourage daily bowel movements.
- Stay away from drafts (especially seniors)
- Breathe deeply.
- Tai chi (Taiji) and Qi Gong exercise can help the growing energy.
Good Health in spring will help you to have good health in summer.
Traditional Qi’s two concepts are prevention and wisdom.
Written by Angela Zhu
Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner
Qi Gong & Tai Chi instructor
Copyright 8/9/ 2020