In Chinese, the definition of “Dan Tian” 丹田is terminology for practicing Tai Chi and Qi Gong. It is Qi Core of the body.
In the vast universe, no creature can exist without the core. The principle is that the rotation or revolution of everything in the universe moves around their internal core and external core.
In nature, the core of all kinds of plants, they cannot exist without roots and core. For example apples, pears, peaches, and apricots, etc. all depend for living on their roots and core. Seeds are another form of core, which induce plants to germinate, grow and produce fruit. Similarly, a country, company, family, and each person require a core to develop and strengthen.
Thousands and millions of cores rotate and revolve endlessly to move, restrict, oppose, wane, wax, and interact with each other to wisely achieve the balance between internal and external. The core unites all things tightly together. Meanwhile, the core transmits energy and power to each part of a substance from the inside. Core energy is the vital energy of all creatures; they cannot live without core energy.
- Where is this core of life – Dan Tian
The Dan Tian is below the navel inside the stomach area. - What is Qi Core of the body? Human’s core (Dan Tian) of the body is the source of vital energy of life and blood, which includes innate energy, acquired energy, and root of wisdom.
- Why is Dan Tian the Core
Dan Tian is the origin of the seed of humanity.
The seed of mankind consists of ovum from female and sperm from male, which originates in Dan Tian.
Exercising the movement of Dan Tian’s energy can help improve energy and blood circulation, and movement of internal organs. They are effective methods to balance Yin and Yang in our bodies, help cure and prevent disease, increase longevity, and improve the quality of life, nourish energy and blood, strengthen immune system. Maintain optimism and help prevent depression, anxiety and dementia.
- Innate energy comes from Dan Tian
The Dan Tian is a deep source of innate energy. Ovum (Yin) and sperm (Yang) combine together in our body (Yin and Yang), to generate an embryo, and multiply the next generation. Dan Tian is the origin of the foetus humanities innate energy and body. In addition, Dan Tian is vital energy to induce the foetus forming, growth, and giving birth. The innate energy of each person is inherited from parents; and it comes with uniqueness constitution of energy, which decides composition and personality of each person. - Acquired energy comes from Dan Tian
The Dan Tian is also a deep source of acquired energy. After birth, people rely on energy and blood to survive, and to maintain health. Energy and blood is obtained from nutrition of food and inhalation of oxygen. People digest and absorb nutrition to form energy and blood. The acquired energy from Dan Tian combines nutrition from food and oxygen, generates energy and blood, and supplies it to every part of body all the time. Therefore, people give birth and grow; internal organs work; and bodies do activities. - Wisdom is from the Dan Tian
Wisdom is from the Dan Tian, the sun in our body. It can be regarded as the “Gut Feeling” in western countries to some extent (to be continued).
- 4. How do we use and strengthen the Dan Tian
Benefit for physical and mental health.
Qi Gong and Tai Chi are specially designed to make full use of the Dan Tian Energy.
5.Methods of daily exercise for Dan Tian:
Open up the body from Dan Tian.
Standing: open up Dan Tian to straighten the spine and organs.
Walking: heels down, toes up, open up Dan Tian.
Sitting: open up Dan Tian – body up right.
Benefits of this include:
- Opening up of internal organs makes energy and blood flow and decreases stagnation.
- Opening up Dan Tian to elongating spine to nourish the brain to help prevent dementia, depression and stagnation.
- Improved blood circulation.
- Opens up skeleton and ligaments.
- Reduced stress and anxiety.
- Maintains optimism and helps prevents depression.
- Helps fertility and gynaecology problems.
- Helps the immune system.
- Helps improve posture.
Breathing from Dan Tian
- It is a strong performance of energy and blood when we are able to breathe from Dan Tian. Breath will be weak and shallow when we are ill, weak, and getting older. Breathing from the Dan Tian improves blood circulation, enhances energy and blood, and maintains physical and mental health.
- Strong energy from Dan Tian leads to strong energy and blood. Moreover, strong energy and blood result in physical health and psychological optimum to help prevent depression, dementia, and stagnation.
To exercise Qi Gong and Tai Chi is not only to be undertaken in classes, but also to be considered as natural daily activities. Thus, we can be healthier and have more enjoyment in our lives.
Prevention and wisdom are the principles of Traditional
Article by Angela Tian Zhu