A client came to see me recently with an upset stomach and diarrhea which started with the bush fires and the smoky air. Even though he is not near the bush fires, nor does he have a lung and heart condition, he can suffer as a result of the particles in the air which circulate throughout the whole body. The smoke can make people feel nauseous and give them an upset stomach with diarrhoea.
People who have mental disorders could feel worse because of the lack of oxygen in our whole body.
People generally who have poor digestion, or a stomach condition, may feel depressed too. People who feel depressed have anxiety and sometimes this affects their digestion – it works both ways. They are very much connected because in TCM, Stomach energy governs our digestion, the absorption of nutrients and it also nourishes our muscles. When we inhale a lot of smoke, it can weaken our Stomach energy and it may lead to problems such as poor appetite, abdominal distension, loose stools and tired muscles. It can make you feel emotional, depressed, anxious, easily upset or fearful because the Stomach is considered our second brain.
What can we do?
- Avoid smoky air whenever possible
- Eat light food regularly
- Avoid eating heavy, oily and too much food all at the same time
- Avoid eating when you are angry and upset
- Eat food and drink liquids at body temperature to preserve your energy
- Have a warm breakfast
- Try not to drink and eat at the same time to avoid a bloated stomach
- Try to keep your stomach warm with appropriate clothes
- Consume less alcohol, coffee and soft drinks
- Take short showers, at medium temperature, to preserve your energy
- Massage your ribs which helps digestion and also moves the bottom of your lungs – to release matter which has settled there. Place your palms on your ribs circling inwards, down and to the side, several times.
- Ensure you have enough sleep
- Drink plenty of water
Best wishes for the New Year!!
Angela Tian Zhe Zhu
Please visit our website for Qi Gong exercises if you want to practice at home.