When we are complaining about the hot humid summer weather, autumn is not far away.

The laws of nature are: Sow and grow in spring, grow in summer, harvest in autumn, store in winter. And our human body should follow the laws of nature to prevent illness and preserve health.

“To go with it will bring health, to go against it will bring illness”.

Circulation and blood to keep up with our energy consumption, therefore, people can get energy-deficient sometimes.

In autumn, the law of nature is like this: everything matures and calms down in this season, the Yin energy increases, temperature drops, (atmospheric pressure goes up), dry heat diminishes.

Nature uses these natural phenomena to drive away the wet and humid weather.  People have a clear and crisp climates’ feeling in autumn.

  1. Restrain the functioning of Qi in autumn.

Preserve the Qi of our bodies. Early to bed and early to rise, keep a              peaceful mind.

  1. Avoid diarrhea and indigestion.

Diarrhea is a common illness in autumn, our gastrointestinal system can store some damp-heat, symptoms like diarrhea and gassy stomach might come along in autumn.

What can we do about it?

Have lighter food, cut back on oily food and icy drinks. Keep the abdomen warm at night.


  1. Clear the heat and dampness in our intestines and stomach.
    1. Eat more light food, vegetable and fruit. Try to have less fried food and meat.
    2. Kiwi fruit has good effect on relieving the stomach and cleaning the bowel.
    3. Chinese radish: It has the effect of relieving gassy stomach, clearing bowels and food retention in stomach. You can have raw Chinese radish, boil it in soup or stir-fry it
  1. Reduce anxiety and promote relaxing.

Have warm drinks and food, try not to get over-excited and exhausted, keep doing appropriate exercise, so that you can get enough energy to avoid and resist depression and anxiety.

Prevention and wisdom are the two principles of Traditional Qi.

Written by Angela Zhu (Chinese Medicine Practitioner)


© Copyright Angela Zhu 2020