Cancer cells are an abnormal form of regular cells. Unfortunately normal cells don’t tell us when they are going to change to cancer. Once they have changed we might start feeling that something is wrong but in many cases it is too late. Prevention is the important part. But how do we prevent the change? Qi plays a very important part in this. When you have strong energy the energy can stop the changing of cells and the body can balance the changes. Energy deficient people cannot fight or balance out those changes.

We have been looking for reasons of cancer for many years and found many answers like preservatives, food colouring, pollution, chemicals, sugary and salty foods. These are factors that can produce cancer, but how do we avoid all this? These days it’s almost impossible, which is why you need to strengthen your energy so that you can handle all those rather than cutting them out. In Chinese Medicine cancer is caused by stagnation, stagnation from Qi, dirty Qi, dirty fluid and dirty blood. Combine those in the body cells and it becomes cancerous. There is a very famous Chinese saying: “when vital energy is strong, sickness won’t come to you.’ Just like cancer.

It’s very important to understand your body and find out it weakest part, cancer is always targeting the weakest part of your body. A big factor is stress. Stress can make your Qi “stuck” which means it can’t push the dirty fluid and blood out of your body and will eventually end up in the weak part of your body. For example if you have asthma, weak lungs, had pneumonia, or tuberculosis, stress, lethargy or Qi deficiency over a longer period of time, cells can turn cancerous in your lungs. This can happen in any of your organs.

A lot of women get breast cancer, some uterine cancer. When women are stressed or overusing the body for a long time they are more likely to experience breast cancer. This is due to the hormones going up and down for all their lives. This is the women’s weak part. In men it is very often the prostate. It is there where the hormones they have been using all their life has gone up and down. When stressed, when getting older or having been angry or depressed for a long time, cancer can occur.

Prevention of cancer generally means to strengthen the energy. You need to be sure that there is no Qi stuck in your body. But how do we know? We should eliminate all causes of Qi stagnation. The causes can be:

  • Stress (biggest cause)
  • Energy deficiency causing stagnation
  • Period, pregnancy and birth causing stagnation. It’s very important to take extra care of yourself during those times. This can cause fluid in your body.
  • Qi Gong is great help

A lot of people are overweight which also shows there is more fluid stored in the body than it should be. Lifestyle also plays a big part. An unhealthy lifestyle and an unhealthy diet can easily cause stagnation and deficiency. If fluid stays in any part of your body for a long time, the Qi becomes deficient; the cell then might turn into a cancer cell. The key to protecting cancer is strengthening the energy. When your Qi is strong, cancer cells can be turned to normal cells!

Prevention and wisdom are the two principles of Traditional Qi.

Written by Angela Zhu, Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, Qi Gong & Tai Chi instructor.

© Copyright Angela Zhu 2010