According to the statistics of Australian government, there are at least 80 Australians dying from bowel cancer every week. This is a staggering figure. Bowel cancer is the biggest killer among all cancers in Australia.

I have a friend, she has a very healthy diet of vegetables and fruits, and she had normal bowel movement everyday. But she got depressed because of her personal relationship in her life. The depression lasted for a long time. Then she started to suffer from constipation, she sometimes had bloody stool and sometimes diarrhoea. She was diagnosed with bowel cancer. Then she had surgery, followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She used to be so beautiful, now she is so skinny and looking at her makes my heart ache. Why it is that cancer was rare in primitive society and so much in modern society? Why nobody is born with it?

The modern medical science has become more and more advanced, like a fire brigade that has perfect and advanced equipment to fight the “fire” wherever it shows. They have it extinguished by using surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Sometimes even though the “fire” is extinguished and people’s life is saved, the vital Qi in people’s body is badly damaged at the same time. Sometimes it’s even too late to conduct the “fire fighting,” so the best way to stay away from “fire” is prevention.

According to TCM, “Vital Qi is in charge of blood while blood nourishes the vital Qi.” Every organ, every part and every cell of our body contains the blood that can nourish the vital Qi. When we have Qi deficiency or Qi stagnation, we also have blood deficiency and stagnation, and under this situation, some waste substances and toxins in our body cannot be eliminated and this cause diseases. Bowel cancer is one of them.

If Qi and blood get clogged in the intestines for a long time, or the waste and toxins get clogged in the intestines for a long time, this might cause bowel cancer.


  1. Mental stress and emotional trauma.

    Strong mental stress can be the cause of gastrointestinal disorder. According to TCM: “anxiety damages the spleen (stomach), anger damages the liver.” These emotions directly affect the normal digesting process of the spleen and stomach. “Sadness damages lungs, fear damages kidneys, excitement damages heart.” These emotions can affect our organs, Qi and blood directly or indirectly. If this continues for a long time, it will lead to Qi and blood deficiency or lead to stagnation and in the end, it might end up causing cancer. It needs a special environment in the body for normal cells to turn into cancer cells, and this process can not happen in a short period of time. It might be reflected in the long term as Qi and blood deficiency, or can trigger some big incidents.

  2. Too much fried food

    Our stomach and intestines need mucus, various enzymes and moisture to digest food, and move and lubricate the bowel in order to smoothly eliminate the waste and toxins through bowel movement. Fried food absorbs large amount of moisture, and it causes damage to many kinds of enzymes and the mucus, which will make the bowel very dry. If this continued for a long time, it would greatly damage the bowel.  Cooking oil that has been used many times can be very harmful. So, eating less or not eating fried food at all is a good approach to prevent bowel cancer and protecting our stomach and bowel.

  3. Irritable bowel syndrome.

    This condition can not be overlooked and needs to be treated as early as possible, otherwise it would damage the Qi of spleen and stomach.

  4. Irregular bowel movement.

    Vegetable is the “cleanser” of our stomach and bowel. Bowel movement is the critical link of metabolism. Make sure conditions such as diarrhoea are treated as soon as possible. Diarrhoea can consume large amount of Qi. The vigorous Qi and blood can contribute to the health of the bowel. In the old times, Chinese used to say, “Clean bowel can bring longevity, clean bowel makes illness go away.

  5. Not passing wind.

    Passing wind is a normal and healthy habit; it indicates the circulation of air and Qi. If Qi circulates, waste and toxins can be discharged. So, allow yourself to pass wind every day. Do not hold back the flatulencet; it may clog the Qi and blood.

  6. Lack of anus exercise.

    Anus is at the end of the bowel and our body. Standing and sedentariness can generate pressure to the bowel. And with age increases, the bowel becomes relatively flabby, especially when people have Qi deficiency (such as the old age,  and child birth, etc), these will affect the Qi circulation in the bowel. Doing anus-raising and loosening exercise, walking and other form of exercise helps with the circulation of Qi and blood in the bowel. Try not to stand or sit too long, it would cause too much pressure to the bowel.

  7. Too much alcohol and spicy food.

    These are “hot” food, which can dry the intestinal wall and cause blood congestion of the intestinal wall, and it may lead to incomplete defecation, which can be another reason for bowel cancer. So, cutting back on alcohol and spicy food can prevent bowel cancer.

  8. Irregular eating.

    Irregular eating can lead to the imbalance of Qi and blood, and would cause Qi and blood deficiency of the digestive canal, therefore, disease can be caused. It is a good habit to have an appropriate and balanced diet, no engorgement, or irregular eating  to prevent bowel cancer.

  9. Artificial food additives.

    Artificial substances such as food colourings, food additives, preservatives, and pesticide residue can cause cancer.

In order to prevent bowel cancer, we have to take early measures to form a healthy life style. According to “The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine”, “adequate vital Qi can resist illness”. Only by protecting our vital Qi, we can keep our cells healthy to fight cancer cells and maintain the well-being of ourselves.

Prevention and wisdom are the two principles of Traditional Qi.

Written by Angela Zhu  (Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner)

Translated by Janet Zheng

© Copyright Angela Zhu 2011